The Lake Braddock Orchestra Boosters host a number of fundraisers throughout each school year to raise money for our orchestra program. The Election Day Bake Sale is typically the first major fundraiser of every school year, and it is a great way for students to not only help raise funds but earn service hours.
Every year a major fundraiser is held in the fall, and the Boosters sell spirit wear, baked goods, and flowers at every concert. Students can earn service hours by baking for the concert bake sales.
Did you know that your Amazon purchases could help support Lake Braddock Orchestra Boosters? Sign up for Amazon Smile before you shop and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to orchestra. It doesn’t sound like much, but those pennies add up! Sign up before Amazon Prime Day October 13-14! How?
1. Sign in with your credentials.
2. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations
Lake Braddock Orchestra Boosters Inc

3. Select your charity.
4. When you shop Amazon, go to and Amazon automatically sends your donation!
BONUS: You can get 3.25% for your SCRIP account by purchasing Amazon e-gift cards on before 11:59pm on October 13!