Austin Isaac
High School Orchestra Director

Austin Isaac is the high school orchestra director at Lake Braddock Secondary School (LBSS) and is also the lead of the orchestra Collaborative team at LBSS. He has taught orchestra at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools in Virginia. He received his B.M. from James Madison University with a concentration in instrumental education and his master’s degree in education from George Mason University. He has been commissioned and has written works for string orchestra, full orchestra, and choir. His original works and arrangements have been selected as J.W. Pepper’s Editor’s Choice selections and have been published with Carl Fischer Publishing and Wingert-Jones Publishing. Austin has served as a guest conductor, clinician, and adjudicator for honor orchestras and state assessment performances in various regions of Virginia.
As a double bassist, Austin has been an active performer in a variety of orchestras in the Northern Virginia area. He has co-presented on improvisation in the instrumental classroom at the Virginia Music Educators Association (VMEA) in-service conference and has served on the VBODA Orchestra State Grading Committee. He has also served as a regional orchestra representative for the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association (VBODA), and is currently the chairman of the orchestra sight reading committee for VBODA. Under his direction, the Lake Braddock Middle School Chamber Orchestra was invited to perform at the 2016 annual VMEA In-Service Conference and the Lake Braddock Symphony Orchestra was invited to perform at the 2020 Music For All National Orchestra Festival. Austin lives in Alexandria, Virginia with his wife Nicole and their two cats Lychee and BK.
eMail: [email protected]
Office Phone: (703) 426-1074
Diana Chou
Middle School Orchestra Director

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (703) 426-6383